Friday 19 August 2011

Assignment 9 (database)

Assalamualaikum wbt and a very pleasat day I bid to everyone.

This may be the last entry for this blog reflection. I would like to express my utmost gratitude for His blessing that I manage to complete all of the Assignments under this course. Only now I can have a big smile, and studying happily for my final examination...for the last class, about four hour or more are spent to complete all assignments. For this particular task, we have to come out with student database.

In order to create a database, I have to use the Open Office Database. Guided by our respective lecturer, we can do the assignment smoothly. actually by reading the question task, it is quite difficult and blur. but since there is a verbal instruction, the process of doing the database is easier.
so to be brief, here is the product of my assignment, regarding the database...

So, in conclusion,the student database provide the data that can be use to organise the students data. I think that that's all for now. But before that, I would like to say a big thank you to everybody that involve in completing these assignments, for the starting to the end. A very special thanks to Mr Tengku Norazlan bin Tengku Sulaiman, our beloved lecturer, Dr. Siti Fatimah bt. Mohd Yassin, our coordinator, my partner of greatness in doing these assignments. Abdul Rahman Ibrahim and those who are involved in the process or our journal writing. Thank you.....

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Assignment 8a (Spreadsheet) & 8b (Excel)

Assalamualaikum and a very pleasant day to all....

As usual... two assignments are assigned for one week. so, far the last week of this very short sem, the 8th Assignment are spreadsheet and excel....and of course, the respected lecturer gave his guidance on how to do all of the assignments. In these week alone, a lot of time is allocated to this subject. and Alhamdulillah, the other assignments are also complete... except for movie maker that is still in progress, but towards the end.

For assignment 8a, we are needed to use Open Office Spreadsheet, to make a personal financial management.a very special thanks to Mr Tengku Norazlan for his guidance on carrying out this assignment. not to forget, my classmate, Mr. Muhammed Fadhli bin Aminuddin for his further explaination on the  the monthly balance, to be linked to another month.

For assignment 8b, the task is to do a student score and grade analysis. Using microsoft Excel,we need to create the students information and their score for different subject. later,we have to transfer it into the form of graphs. so each subject will have different graph. actually, there are Define name, Fill series, VLOOKUP, STDEV, STDEV,AVERAGE, COUNTIF, Graph, Sort and last but not least is filter. I get to know plenty of things actually by using Microsoft Excel.

As for conclusion, the personal financial management helps me to plan my budget and expenses in future, if not now. at least, I have the experience of using this. As ICT savvy teacher to be, I should have learn al of these formy own good. Students Grade and Score also important as in the future, these are the things that I will be involve with. As I mentioned before,it is never too late to learn about ICT. Done!

Friday 12 August 2011

Assignment 7a(Open Office Impress) & 7b(Windows Movie Maker)

Assalamualaikum and a very pleasant day...
well, assignment 7a and b is about the Open Office Impress and another one is Windows Movie Maker. Well, I have to say that I never have an experience with those. Open Office Impress, the basic is on the journal writing. Like the powerpoint presentations, it works the same. 

The content in the Impress is based on the complete journal writing. I never use this software before. so, Im having a bit difficulty in competing those. the content is not the problem here, but the problem is how to design the powerpoint. the design is quite difficult. eventhough the link on how to use the impress is there, I really need someone to teach me manually. 

Another one is about the Windows Movie Maker. but having partner like Aman makes me so grateful. he taught me how to use the Windows Movie Maker. even though he also doesn't know how to use it, we explore the thing and manage to produce our own movie at last. the content is about assignment 1. But, we also haave to use Audacity in the powerpoint, in conclusion I should have said that almost everything is learnt in this very short sem. A bit tired, but Im grateful to be taught all of this. Thank you!

Monday 8 August 2011

Assignment 6a (Brochure) and 6b(Booklet)

A very good day to all...
for this particular assignment, we are needed to complete two things, which are 6a) desktop publishing software (Microsoft Publisher) and 6b) a bookfold using any of the listed software....

the questions are as follows:

Learning by doing assignment 6a
Plan, design and create a brochure / leaflet using Microsoft Publisher . The content is related the topic for assignment 1,4,5. Use the graphics/image created using any graphic editors mentioned above. Save the document in original format and pdf format.


Learning by doing assignment 6b
Plan, design and create a booklet using bookfold function in Word. The content is related the topic for assignment 1,4,5. The report in journal article format can be value added by inserting related graphic. Use the graphics/image created using any graphic editors mentioned above. Make a cover using of the booklet – using 2 Column....

so since everybody got the picture, I would like to write my reflection about this assignment.

Using Microsoft Office Publisher, we have to come out with a brochure, which is on one condition. it MUST be related to topic assignment 1,4 and 5. Superficially, my partner and I have been discussing about Thinking Skills and ICT, and the topics that catch our interest was First Class Facilities versus Third Class Mentality. So, the ideas generated in the assignment before was transferred to the brochure. Finish with the brochure. Another thing is creating a booklet. anybody has any idea about that? Lets check it out!

Microsoft Office Word actually the one that is used to plan and create a bookfold. Actually, because of my partner and I have no Idea on how to do the second assignment, we taught that it was difficult to carry out the task. After getting some information on how to create the bookfold, my partner and I chuckled, because we found out the thing is easy as pie. actually, both tasks are interrelated with each other. the brochure has the main points about the asgment 1,4 and 5, while the booklet describe them briefly. So, one if the thing that I have learnt by doing assignment 6a and 6b is about the gist and details. people will always go for the gist of something if they don't have much time to read in detail. follow?

On top of all, before doing the assignment given,we are exposed to learning 2D graphic, which in detail, using bitmap and vector. actually they are pretty interesting. I find myself a bt clear on the meaning pf creative itself. and most importantly, be a creative teacher in the future. and in order to do that, I have to start from now...

In conclusion, it is never too late when it comes to term with ICT. the willingness in you that makes you differ from others. I now understand, that even though I feel that the burden in completing these assignments are too big for me, as if i will never make it, but at the end of the day, i get to know a lot of things by doing so. Thank you to our beloved coordinator, Dr. Siti Fatimah Mohd Yassin, and not to forget, YM Tengku Norazlan bin Tengku Sulaiman. Credit to both of you!

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Assignment 5 (Mini Research/SPSS and Qualitative Analysis)

Asslamualaikum and a very good day to all...

Days after receiving the assignment, my partner and I dont even know how to start. and of course, resulting in the delay of the assignments. we still catch up with the last assignments, which are also behind schedule. 

Since i've been saying that im still catch up to keep up with the pace, there are things that I manage to handle, and  one of it is online survey(questionnaire)

As usual, this is a week 3B's assignment, and i merely managed to complete this task by last few days.

So we are required to~

Create a questionnaire (Pilot test), and....
1. Register – free sign-up at 
2. Add questions (use multiple choise – one answer only) 
3. Collect and analysis data online (pilot test – give the link to our coursemates) 
4. Ask our classmate to comment or each question/item. 

After that, we are required to:~~
Create Questionnaire using Google Document 
1. Use gmail account 
2. Open or click on documents
3. Create New → Form 
4. Add demography and item/question in variety format – multiple choice, Checkboxes and scale 
5. Explore the use of function Save, open, edit form 
6. Ask several coursemates to test the online questionnaire. 
7. Explore the use of Spreadsheet for this online questionnaire and Download as Excel format (xls) ( this file will be imported in SPSS) 
8. Correct the questions based on the feedback 
9. Ask the students from IPG KS (Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Sarawak) to answer the survey. 
The questionnaire in google docs can be printed and distribute it to any students in your campus (each pair gets at least 10 respondents). 

Using surveymonkey, which is quite easy actually, we need to run a pilot test. actually, his is the basis of another assignment, which we have to conduct a survey. Tension was there when we get to know that the mates from IPGKS already sent their surveymonkey question. 

Another thingis about using SPSS. we need to install the software that is given by our lecturer, and only then we can start working on the assignment. Not to be forgotten, these are all the basis of journal writing. 

Monday 1 August 2011

..::Assignment 4~ Literature Review Reflection::..

Assalamualaikum.n hye. 

Time and tide waits for no men. That is all I can say about the whole short semester in general. Once you are left behind, almost impossible for you to catch up and keep up with the pace.

To begin, the very first time I heard about "Literature Review" is
1. what is that going to do with ICT?
2. in ICT also got literature?
3. literature is about poems, short stories and etcetera.....

BUT, a big but there, literature Review is something else. I may be so naive about this, because no one ever told me about this before. and doing a literature review? A thing that I never attempt to do.So when i think that it is less preferable to think of and do, i tend todelay the work. and this is bad you know. actually this task is accomplished weeks ago, but this reflection never come across my mind, and only today i have the opportunity to write this reflection.

move on, the literature review is about the journal actually. you are assigned to do a journal based in articles that you should read from different available sources. its quite complicated at first place,because we have no idea about what to write and etcetera. so, we have chosen a topic, that is First Class Facilities with Third Class Mentality. and it is now available in my yahoo! group.

In completing the literature review, there are lists of reference that we should read from. once we have chosen the topics, we should started our journal search from the listed materials. they are: Digital Library UKM, Google Scholar and Google Books. Finding the right journal for the topics chosen are a bit difficult. so it took some times to finish the assignment.

Our focus is more on Malaysians. do they have the mentality that is at par with the facilities? so after formulating the problems and solutions available, we started our journal writing. In the journal, there are  problems that has been discussed. One of them is the government has provided first class facilities, but Malaysians still don't have sufficient knowledge about them. in spite of that, the students critical thinking also not been used while looking for the materials in doing their homework. they just simply pick without realizing the authenticity of the materials.

however, we also have come out with several solutions. They can be either allocating special subject in schools, parents work collaboratively with teachers to enhance their children thinking skills, and etc....

in conclusion, there are lots of pros and cons in using ICT. the mentality of Malaysians should be change so that they facilities provided not simply such a waste. by hook or by crook, in order to become a well developed country, we have to eliminate the threat among Malaysians. Actually, i have gained a lot of knowledge throughout the course. I will never regret of doing this thing, as it improves my ICT skillls. there are also millions of references in the UKM's Digital Library, Google Scholar and also Google Books. Before this, I seldom use those. so I am so glad to accomplish my literature review with the help of my partner in doing this assignment, Abdul Rahman bin Ibrahim. Credit to him. and notto forget, my lecturer, YM Tengku Norazlan, and our beloved coordinator, Dr. Siti Fatimah. with that, I thank you. :)