Monday 8 August 2011

Assignment 6a (Brochure) and 6b(Booklet)

A very good day to all...
for this particular assignment, we are needed to complete two things, which are 6a) desktop publishing software (Microsoft Publisher) and 6b) a bookfold using any of the listed software....

the questions are as follows:

Learning by doing assignment 6a
Plan, design and create a brochure / leaflet using Microsoft Publisher . The content is related the topic for assignment 1,4,5. Use the graphics/image created using any graphic editors mentioned above. Save the document in original format and pdf format.


Learning by doing assignment 6b
Plan, design and create a booklet using bookfold function in Word. The content is related the topic for assignment 1,4,5. The report in journal article format can be value added by inserting related graphic. Use the graphics/image created using any graphic editors mentioned above. Make a cover using of the booklet – using 2 Column....

so since everybody got the picture, I would like to write my reflection about this assignment.

Using Microsoft Office Publisher, we have to come out with a brochure, which is on one condition. it MUST be related to topic assignment 1,4 and 5. Superficially, my partner and I have been discussing about Thinking Skills and ICT, and the topics that catch our interest was First Class Facilities versus Third Class Mentality. So, the ideas generated in the assignment before was transferred to the brochure. Finish with the brochure. Another thing is creating a booklet. anybody has any idea about that? Lets check it out!

Microsoft Office Word actually the one that is used to plan and create a bookfold. Actually, because of my partner and I have no Idea on how to do the second assignment, we taught that it was difficult to carry out the task. After getting some information on how to create the bookfold, my partner and I chuckled, because we found out the thing is easy as pie. actually, both tasks are interrelated with each other. the brochure has the main points about the asgment 1,4 and 5, while the booklet describe them briefly. So, one if the thing that I have learnt by doing assignment 6a and 6b is about the gist and details. people will always go for the gist of something if they don't have much time to read in detail. follow?

On top of all, before doing the assignment given,we are exposed to learning 2D graphic, which in detail, using bitmap and vector. actually they are pretty interesting. I find myself a bt clear on the meaning pf creative itself. and most importantly, be a creative teacher in the future. and in order to do that, I have to start from now...

In conclusion, it is never too late when it comes to term with ICT. the willingness in you that makes you differ from others. I now understand, that even though I feel that the burden in completing these assignments are too big for me, as if i will never make it, but at the end of the day, i get to know a lot of things by doing so. Thank you to our beloved coordinator, Dr. Siti Fatimah Mohd Yassin, and not to forget, YM Tengku Norazlan bin Tengku Sulaiman. Credit to both of you!

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